How Fans Can Support Survivors

Football fans in Cleveland- and across the nation- have been disheartened at the news that the Cleveland Browns signed Deshaun Watson. Journey Center acknowledges and shares the disappointment of fans who are triggered by the news and perceive it to be a declaration that winning is more important than standing with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Journey Center wants to affirm to everyone, survivors and those who love a survivor- that we believe you. We will continue to speak up against gender-based violence and continue our work to support individuals and families who have been impacted by domestic violence. You are not alone.

These are complex issues. Continue to follow us as Journey explores statistics around reporting and false reporting; challenges with the criminal justice system; why there’s often a lack of indictments; gender, race, and power dynamics; and more.

In the meantime, here are some things you can do to take a stand against gender-based violence:

It takes all of us to take a stand against abuse. Each of us can do our part to support healthy, thriving, and safe relationships for everyone.
We are always here when you need to talk. Call or text our 24-Hour Helpline: 216.391.4357 (HELP) or live chat.