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Throughout the year Journey Center participates in campaigns to highlight and bring awareness to issues around domestic violence and child abuse. 


January is National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM)! NSAM is an annual call to action to recognize and respond to the serious crime of stalking- join Journey Center and advocates across the nation as we bring attention and awareness to this important issue.
#NSAMcle #NSAM205 #KnowItNameItStopIt


February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM)! TDVAM raises awareness about the issue of teen dating violence. This annual, month-long effort focuses on advocacy and education to stop abuse before it starts.
#TDVAM2025 #TDVAMcle #RespectThat


April is Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAPM) is a time to empower people through awareness and engagement and the impact of child abuse.

October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)! DVAM raises awareness about the issue of domestic violence. This annual, month-long effort focuses on advocacy and education; it is a time to create awareness about domestic violence, the importance of healthy relationships, and learn ways to help those we love. 

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Stay tuned for more information on ways you can help spread education and awareness around these important issues!

Community Partner Events: Journey in the Community

Shaker Heights Public Library
Resource Table
2nd Thursday of each month, 1:00 - 3:00p