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 Public Policy

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Take Action

  • Contact your Representatives to tell them to rescind the federal grant freeze. The White House's freeze on federal grants and other financial assistance will have a detrimental impact to domestic violence survivors in our community.

  • Without notice, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) removed all notices for funding for 2025 and instructed applicants to stop working on their grant applications. Urge your member of Congress to advocate for OVW to immediately restore funding opportunities for 2025.

  • Contact your Members of Congress to Protect Medicaid. Domestic violence significantly affects health outcomes for those who experience it. Congress is considering budget proposals that would greatly alter Medicaid and drastically cut funding and services to the most vulnerable populations of Americans including victims of domestic violence. If enacted, these changes could severely undermine access to health care, many times in direct response to the abuse experienced, for domestic violence survivors and their families.

  • Contract your Members of Congress and tell them to rejects cuts to vital healthcare and nutrition assistance funding. Budget proposals that cut vital resources and services like nutrition assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and health care through programs such as Medicaid will have devastating consequences for domestic violence victims and their families. Programs like SNAP and Medicaid are critical to their safety and well-being.

Current Legislation

Journey Center Position




To temporarily provide additional deposits into the Crime Victims Fund.

Legislative News & Updates

  • On December 19, 2024 Governor Mike DeWine signed SB 100, this legislation will ban the installation of tracking devices and apps without consent. This legislation will go into effect March 19, 2025.

  • On June 28, 2024 the Supreme Court decided City of Grants Pass v Johnson, the court ruled that states and localities are allowed to punish people for being homeless. The ruling could limit options for safety and security for survivors of domestic violence. Fifty-seven percent of unhoused women report domestic violence as their immediate cause of homelessness.

  • On June 21, 2024 the Supreme Court decided United States v Rahimi, the court ruled in favor of restricting access to firearms for domestic violence abusers. The court held that: "An individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the second amendment.”

  • On May 10, 2024 Governor Mike DeWine signed HB 161, legislation that will remove the exemptions that previously kept spouses from being prosecuted for rape and other sexual offenses. This legislation went into effect of August 9, 2024.

Click here to read more about policies that impact survivors at ODVN’s (Ohio Domestic Violence Network) website.

Contact your Representatives

Ohio Senate

Click here to find your Representative.

Jerry Cirino, District 18
Facebook: @Jerry Cirino

Kent Smith, District 21
Facebook: @Kent Smith
Instagram: @kentksmith

Tom Patton, District 24
Facebook: Tom Patton for Ohio Senate
Instagram: @patton.24

Nickie J. Antonio, District 23
Facebook: @Nickie J. Antonio
Instagram: @nickieantonio

Ohio House of Representatives

Click here to find your Representative.

Tristan Rader, District 13

Sean Brennan, District 14
Facebook: @Brennan for Ohio

Chris Glassburn, District 15
Facebook: @ChrisGlassburnOH

Bride Rose Sweeney, District 16
Facebook: @State Representative Bride Rose Sweeney
Instagram: @repbridesweeney

Mike Dovilla, District 17
Facebook: @dovillaforohio

Juanita Brent, District 18
Facebook: @State Rep. Juanita Brent
Instagram: @juanita_brent

Phil Robinson, District 19
Facebook: @Phil Robinson for Ohio
Instagram: @robinsonforoh

Terrence Upchurch, District 20
Instagram: @rep_upchurch

Eric Synenberg, District 21
Facebook: @esynenberg

Darnell Brewer, District 22
Instagram: @rep.brewer

Dan Troy, District 23
Facebook: @Daniel P. Troy

United States Senate

Click here to find your Representative.

Jon Husted, Senator
Facebook: Jon Husted

Bernie Moreno, Senator
Facebook: Bernie Moreno
Instagram: @berniemorenoforohio

United States house of Representatives

Click here to find your Representative.

Max Miller, District 7
Facebook: @Congressman Max Miller
Instagram: @repmaxmiller

Shontel Brown, District 11
Facebook: @Rep. Shontel Brown
Instagram: @repshontel

Marcy Kaptur, District 9
Facebook: @Representative Marcy Kaptur
Instagram: @repmarcykaptur

Additional Ways to Take Action: