A Note from our CEO

Journey Center for Safety and Healing values diversity and inclusion at all levels and is committed to modeling our work through a lens of anti-racism and equity. We know that we must remain grounded in the experiences of those most vulnerable in our communities - particularly survivors of color. Without their voices, we cannot begin to accomplish our work of serving all survivors. We are committed to an intentional examination of how our internal structure and community partnerships may be reinforcing systems of oppression. But, most importantly, Journey Center for Safety and Healing is committed to action. We work to counter the effects of historical oppression that result in devastating disparities in safety, health, and well-being for survivors in marginalized communities.

While people of all races and ethnicities experience domestic violence (DV), Black, Indigenous, and people of color experience more severe domestic violence and murder by a partner than their white counterparts. Children of color are also overrepresented in the child welfare system. Systemic disparities such as income, health, access to housing, and experiences with law enforcement compound the complexities faced by survivors of color. Journey focuses on these systemic issues, recognizing that breaking the cycle of violence across generations requires a shift toward self-sufficiency and healing, not just short term relief.

We are all on a journey to a more equitable and just community. Journey is consistently working to deepen our understanding of systemic racism and its impact on survivors of domestic violence and child abuse. Our staff and board members are diverse and representative of the community. Our programming is responsive to the needs of marginalized communities. The Latina DV Project delivers comprehensive services with Spanish speaking Advocates. We have emphasized outreach and community based advocacy (not affiliated with a court) for survivors, especially in the Black community, who may not feel comfortable calling the police. We are working with health care providers and the faith community – which are places people often go for help when they don’t trust the criminal justice system. We have specialized supports for the visually impaired and Deaf community. We are welcoming and understanding of domestic violence issues in the LGBTQ community.

Our Equity & Inclusion Team - made up of 20 staff members from across the agency - has five working groups that focus on leadership, talent, culture, community engagement, and service delivery. Journey Center for Safety and Healing is building an environment where all perspectives are heard and respected and where those with marginalized identities thrive.