A Day in the Life of a Trauma Therapist

As a Trauma Therapist, I aim to create a safe, non-judgmental environment for clients to process their trauma. Each day is different, but my passion for the work and the ongoing growth with my clients remain constant. I begin my day with a positive routine—coffee, music, checking off goals on my self-care app, and sharing playful moments with my toddler.

After dropping my toddler off at daycare, I head to the office, greet colleagues, and prepare my office to ensure it feels safe and welcoming. To prepare for sessions, I review client notes before meeting with survivors in my office and their communities. Between sessions, I handle administrative tasks, return messages, document progress, and finalize treatment plans.

Traumas are experienced differently by clients based on age, culture, race, gender, and other personal factors. Since each client will be unique in their experiences and processing of trauma, I prioritize meeting them where they are in their individual path. I stay informed through consultation and ongoing learning, including reading, attending workshops, and seeking clinical supervision and peer support. This ensures I stay current with new developments and evidence-based practices, providing the most effective, individualized care for each client.

My therapeutic approach is focused on empowering the client, fostering autonomy, promoting meaningful connections, and developing competence so the individual can grow from surviving, beyond resilience, to thriving despite their trauma. 

Throughout the day, I help survivors process past trauma, manage triggers, and develop coping strategies, all while balancing empathy with personal boundaries to maintain my own well-being.  I support them in understanding their experiences and how they were affected so they can begin their healing Journey without feeling stuck in a state of trauma and pain. I guide them in reconnecting to their bodies, focusing on the present, and feeling empowered in their healing process.

At the end of the day, I prioritize self-care to release emotional weight, allowing me to continue giving my best to clients, coworkers, and loved ones. Throughout my day, I see a lot of pain, struggle, and loss. I also see resilience, healing, and tenacity. I have been inspired by survivors of all ages as they move through almost unimaginable trauma to a place where they are thriving. There are tears and profound loss, but also laughter and strong connection. At the end of the day, I am grateful and feel a great sense of privilege to witness such beauty.

Journey Center's Trauma Services supported 90 clients in the last fiscal year. We are thankful for Therapists, like Raquel, who provide a safe, supportive environment for clients to heal from their traumas.

We are always here for you when you need to talk. Call or text our 24-Hour Helpline: 216.391.4357 (HELP) or live chat.