Dana's Story
Journey welcomed Dana, a 19-year-old mother, and her two-year-old daughter, Sam, to Shelter after fleeing an increasingly violent perpetrator in New Orleans.
Dana and Sam arrived at Shelter with only the clothing on their backs, and Dana was tearful to have left behind her friends, her family, and all of her child’s belongings. Her Danger Assessment results indicated that she was at high risk for potential homicide by her partner.
After resting from the long trip to Ohio, Journey staff worked to help Dana obtain an Ohio Resident Identification, link her to Job and Family Services to transfer her benefits, and help her obtain emergency childcare vouchers.
Dana was very determined to be successful. Throughout her time at Shelter, Dana was very engaged in services, meeting with her Family Advocate weekly to work on her case plan to achieve self-sufficiency, attending all adult and youth group programming, and encouraging her daughter to engage with Youth Advocates as often as possible.
After exiting Shelter to independent housing, she continued to work with Shelter’s Community Advocacy Program to obtain furniture for her unit through the Cleveland Furniture Bank, obtain appliances through Salvation Army, and complete paperwork to receive PRC funding.
Dana has turned her house into a home away from abuse and control, due in large part to her resiliency and willingness to work through the Shelter program.
“Dana has turned her house into a home away from abuse and control.”