Posts tagged NSAM 2025
Let's Talk: Supporting a Loved One Impacted by IPV Stalking

Stalking is a serious issue that can create an environment of fear and uncertainty. If you have a loved one experiencing stalking, your support can make a significant difference in their Journey toward safety and healing.

One of the most important things you can do is believe and validate their experiences.

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Let's Talk: The Impact of Stalking

Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted attention, harassment, or contact that makes someone feel afraid or unsafe. This can take many forms, from constant phone calls and texts to following someone, sending unwanted gifts, spreading rumors, or even showing up at a person's workplace or home.

The impact of this behavior can reach into every aspect of a person's life…

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Let's Talk: Stalking Tactics

Understanding the tactics that a stalker may employ is necessary for recognizing and addressing stalking behavior. While some stalking behaviors may not be illegal when evaluated in isolation, they become alarming when viewed as a repeated pattern that leads to significant changes in the victim's daily life. Stalking can take many forms, and knowing the tactics can empower individuals and communities to respond effectively.

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Let's Talk: Intimate Partner Stalking

Stalking is defined as a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. It often involves a series of actions that may seem harmless to outsiders but hold a deeper, more threatening meaning for the victim. In Ohio, a pattern is recognized as two or more incidents that are closely related in time.

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